Sunday, July 19, 2020

Surreal Urban Media Solutions Newsroom

"Surreal Urban Media Newsroom" Colloidal Interpretations or Misinformed Non - Misfortunate Misinformation (a tragic come easy fortune not so easy so that's unfortunate)...

Good Reads: An Acclaimed Blogger
with tons of good ideas, contributions and insite into the now competitive and not so creative anymore world of blogging.

Reporter and Blogger James Braudway With News At....
(When!ever He Gets To It)

 "Thanks Chuck"

"Hello Everyone",
From + Google News US officials and scientists have begun laying the groundwork for a more secure "virtually unhackable" internet based on quantum computing technology.

(Surreal Urban Media Solutions Research Team)

Quantum Computing

From Microsoft Blog
Quantum computers are still in the infancy of their development. The hardware and maintenance are expensiv))systems are located in universities and research labs. The technology is advancing, though, and limited public access to some systems is available.
Quantum simulators are software programs that run on classical computers and make it possible to run and test quantum programs in an environment that predicts how qubits will react to different operations.

Quantum hardware

A quantum computer has three primary parts: an area that houses the qubits, a method for transferring signals to the qubits, and a classical computer to run a program and send instructions.
  • The quantum material used for qubits is fragile and highly sensitive to environmental interferences. For some methods of qubit storage, the unit that houses the qubits is kept at a temperature just above absolute zero to maximize their coherence. Other types of qubit housing use a vacuum chamber to help minimize vibrations and stabilize the qubits.
  • Signals can be sent to the qubits using a variety of methods including microwaves, laser, and voltage.
Quantum computers face a multitude of challenges to operate correctly. Error correction in quantum computers is a significant issue, and scaling up (adding more qubits) increases the error rate. Because of these limitations, a quantum PC for your desktop is far in the future, but a commercially-viable lab-based quantum computer is closer.

Quantum simulators

Quantum simulators that run on classical computers allow you to simulate the execution of quantum algorithms on a quantum system. Microsoft’s Quantum Development Kit (QDK) includes a full-state vector simulator along with other specialized quantum simulators.

Topological qubit

Microsoft is developing a quantum computer based on topological qubits. A topological qubit will be less impacted by changes in its environment, therefore reducing the degree of external error correction required.
Topological qubits feature increased stability and resistance to environmental noise, which means they can more readily scale and remain reliable longer.

This Just In:
More Outlandish Bullshit From The Texas and United States Government Tonight at 10:00 or 11:00 ish

One man fights back
(cut to training montage)

Quantum State <|>
Well, Still Un-Quantized.


In Other News-
Surreal Urban Sound Productions


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